1. From the Face Control menu choose Site Structure>Sections. The shown window will open.

2. Type the names of the new section.
- System Section name - this is the name that will be used inside Face Control. It will not be visible on your website.
- Menu Section name - this is the real name of the section. It will be visible on your site.
- Page Title Section name - this is the name that will be visible in the title bar of your web browser (e.g. the Page Title Section name of section Home could be "Welcome to my page!").
It is recommended that the three names are the same.
3. Choose the type of the section.
4. Choose the language for the section.
5. Click on Save as button to save your section.
N.B. To see the new section on your site you must add a link to it in the main menu or in Visualization Management.